Saturday, September 26, 2015

History of BATMAN


                                            History of BATMAN

          The history of BATMAN is interesting. 1986 was The Dark Knight Returns Movie that was my favorite BATMAN movie. It was by Frank Miller. The Comics #27 was made May 1939. BATMAN was popular in Mar 27, 2013 and Mar 26, 2013.  Batman is a 1989 superhero.



Monday, September 21, 2015




          Superheros are fictional characters. That were made for entertainment. There is DC, UNIVERSE. There is also MARVEL, UNIVERSE. They have so much superheros. I I LOVE SUPERHEROS. My favorite is DC.

          I love DC I especially love Batman. Bat man is my favorite super hero from DC. Now from MARVEL it is SPIDER-MAN. I like BATMAN because he has all those gadgets. I like SPIDER-MAN because he just swings around, he also has super human strength and spider senses.            






      I like BATMAN he is my favorite superhero. I like pizza. I like Minecraft.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

About Me

       My name is Shadi I am 11 I was born July,25,2004. I have 2 cats I'm in 6 grade. I like blogging